Sunday, October 6, 2024

Nat’l Get Over It Day: Here’s A Rundown Of Things You Could Get Over This 2022


Nat’l Get Over It Day: Here’s A Rundown Of Things You Could Get Over This 2022


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The National Get Over It Day is commemorated to remind us that today could be the perfect time to let go of the things that are weighing us down. Time does not forget, and while letting go of our feelings can be difficult at times, it thus heals. So what you need to do now is reminisce that it’s now or never— to get over it.

So here’s a rundown of things that you need to acknowledge so you can get over it this 2022:

1. People’s Expectations

You should remember that everything you do does not have to conform to what other people expect of you— you are your own boss. And if there’s one person whose expectations are relevant, it’s you. Hence, this expectation does not have to be overwhelming or exhausting, it could be as simple as your happiness and personal progress. So let go of the guilt of failing to meet other people’s expectations because you don’t owe them anything.

2. Getting A Validation

What you do and how you express yourself shouldn’t need any validation and you should resist the standard of needing to validate your own wellbeing. And if there is one thing that needs validation, it’s your feelings and emotions, because you deserve the feeling of being heard and understood. Get over the people and circumstances that make you feel invalid every now and then, they are not worth it.

3. Toxic Relationship

If nothing feels right anymore and the only thing that’s keeping you from having them is the history of attachment and familiarity, it’s time to get over them. This isn’t confined to intimate relationships only; it could be a friend, colleague, or family member who’s repeatedly abusing your wellbeing and making you question your worth. If they aren’t healthy anymore in every aspect of your individuality, it’s time to leave them and the misery they’re causing you.

4. A Toxic Environment

If you could get over a toxic person, there’s no doubt that you can’t get over a toxic environment. It could be at your workplace, school, or even at home. Dealing with a toxic environment could be as oppressive as you think, and it may already be keeping you from growing. So, if you have the opportunity to live in a healthier environment, never waste that opportunity to be freed from unhappiness.

5. Things You Can’t Control

The guilt of not being able to control a predicament was indeed a major struggle to overcome. We are no superheroes, and what has been done is no longer under our control. Hence, the most important thing we can do right now is get over it. If we persist in clinging to the past while stopping us from making progress in the present, then the guilt and never-ending cycle of apologizing will only torment us. We have to understand that no one is to blame when our major opponent has the inability to control things. Furthermore, we can still learn from it. Even if we can’t control things right now, we can still try to compensate for it by doing better the next time it occurs.

Getting over something may appear simple on the surface, but it is actually a tough process. Take your time, and acknowledge that progress is not linear. While stumbling and reflecting on the process, you can make it through slowly. What matters is that you’d be able to get over it at the end of the day.